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Literature Appreciation II
13th November 2020 @ 4:00 pm - 15th November 2020 @ 3:00 pm
£180Tales from the Underworld
Tutor: Hugh Parry
The borderline between Earth and Hell has always been permeable enough to enable writers to invite some unsavoury characters to pay us a visit and curdle our blood. The fear is salutary, no doubt – and the commercial potential gratifying. This course will look at creepy and demonic spiritual intruders – mostly in early drama, but with one or two modern surprises, just in case you thought you were safe.
Hugh Parry has offered adult education classes in literature for over 30 years. Although loyal all his life to Shakespeare, he has over the years given courses on a diverse range of topics, including detective fiction, utopias, ghost stories, Cowper, Swift and R S Thomas.